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The Flat Earth Model: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration

Religion, Physics


For centuries, the dominant scientific consensus has been that the Earth is a spherical planet orbiting the Sun along with the other planets in our solar system. However, an alternative perspective exists that challenges this notion and proposes that the Earth is in fact flat and stationary. While dismissed by modern science, the flat Earth model aligns with a literal interpretation of certain passages in the Bible and presents an opportunity to re-examine scientific assumptions through a biblical worldview.

This paper will explore the flat Earth model by reviewing key biblical references, examining scientific evidence from a fresh perspective, and considering the implications of an immobile Earth for our understanding of astronomy and geology. The intent is not to definitively prove one model over the other, but rather to illustrate that the flat Earth theory is a plausible representation of the natural world when Scripture is taken at face value. Readers are encouraged to consider the evidence presented here with an open mind.

The examination will begin with an overview of flat Earth cosmology based on biblical descriptions of the heavens and Earth. This provides critical context for evaluating the scientific merits of the theory. Each section will focus on a different aspect of the debate - celestial mechanics, geography, physics, etc. - weighing the strengths and weaknesses of both the mainstream spherical Earth model and the unconventional flat, stationary Earth model in that domain. The goal is to give each perspective a fair hearing.

Ultimately, this paper argues that the flat Earth model deserves more consideration than typically granted in the scientific community. When Scripture is given proper authority, the Earth can reasonably be understood as an immobile plane with the heavens rotating overhead. As an alternative to heavily theory-laden modern astronomy and cosmology, the simple yet profound flat Earth framework aims to take biblical revelation seriously while not ignoring the insights of science.

Religious and Philosophical Perspectives

The flat Earth model is deeply rooted in the text of Scripture, which repeatedly depicts the Earth as stable, with a solid dome-like firmament overhead. Key verses include:

Job 26:10 - "He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness." This describes the circular disk of the flat Earth bounded by the oceans.

Psalm 93:1 - "The world is established, it shall never be moved." The immobile, fixed position of the flat Earth.

Revelation 7:1 - "After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth." Referring to the four corners of the flat Earth model.

In the early centuries of Christianity, a flat Earth cosmology reflecting this literal interpretation was the predominant view. The Church Fathers, including Irenaeus, Basil of Caesarea, and Augustine, wrote of the Earth as a plane, based on scriptural authority. Through the Middle Ages, Christian scholars like Isidore of Seville and Cosmas Indicopleustes produced comprehensive descriptions of the heavens and Earth consistent with a flat model.

Challenges to the flat Earth view only arrived when Hellenistic cosmology was reintroduced in Europe. But for many medieval thinkers, proposals of a spherical Earth revolving around the Sun were incompatible with the Bible. In 1633, the Catholic Church convicted Galileo of heresy for his heliocentric views, underscoring the theological dimensions of the debate.

From a philosophical perspective, flat Earthers argue that modern astronomy relies on abstract mathematical models rather than direct observation. Pictures of a spherical Earth from space could be fabrications. The flat model privileges phenomenological evidence available to the senses and biblical testimony over theoretical explanations.

While spherical astronomy came to dominate from the Enlightenment onwards, the flat Earth perspective continues to find support among some creationists and Christian fundamentalists. They aim to reconsider the natural world without secular assumptions or concessions to scientific authority over Scripture. This paper will examine the empirical evidence from this biblical framework.

Physics of a Flat Earth

The fundamental tenet of flat Earth cosmology is that the Earth is a flat, immobile plane with the heavens revolving overhead. The Sun, Moon, planets, and stars all orbit in their appointed spheres around us while the Earth remains fixed in place.

In the standard flat Earth model, the Earth sits at the center of the universe. The firmament is conceived as a solid dome enclosing the Earth that holds up the celestial bodies. The Sun and Moon travel in circular paths above the flat Earth, while the stars and planets move in spirals to create their peculiar retrograde motions. Eclipses happen when these celestial bodies briefly slip behind each other from our vantage point.

Proponents argue this simple arrangement matches everyday perceptions and intuition far better than the contrived explanations invoked to resolve the incongruities of spherical astronomy. Yet modern astronomy raises several challenges:

Gravity - The theory of universal gravitation states that spherical masses like the Earth create an attractive force that causes smaller objects to orbit them. But flat Earthers posit that gravity is instead an effect of denser objects falling through less dense mediums like air and water. Apparent gravity could be produced electromagnetically as well, obviating the need for a spherical Earth.

Horizons - On a spherical planet, ships should disappear bottom-first over the horizon due to the Earth's curvature. But flat Earthers note we can often see objects beyond the purported curvature, suggesting refraction between atmospheric layers can create looming effects that merely obscure objects. The apparent sinking is an artifact of perspective, not Earth's sphericity.

Lunar eclipses - Mainstream astronomy explains lunar eclipses as the Moon passing through the Earth's shadow. However, in flat Earth models, the Moon and Sun travel at different speeds and altitudes above the flat Earth. Their differing paths allow the Moon to occasionally slip behind the Sun and into its shadow from our perspective.

Stellar parallax - The annual shift of nearby stars' positions indicates the Earth is orbiting the Sun. But in flat Earth models, it is instead the stars and firmament revolving around a fixed Earth in a cyclical pattern that creates the appearance of parallax.

While these phenomena have been held up as proof of a spherical world, flat Earth cosmology offers plausible explanations consistent with direct observation and Scripture. The next sections will continue to examine the evidence through this alternative lens.

Origin of the Earth in a Flat Earth Model

When interpreting the natural world through a biblical lens, the origin of the Earth and cosmos as described in Genesis requires a flat Earth framework. According to a literal reading of Scripture, the process unfolded as:

On Day 1, God created the Earth as a flat expanse of land and water: "And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so." (Gen 1:9)

On Day 2, God added the firmament - a solid dome separating the waters above from the waters below that would hold up the Sun, Moon and stars: "And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so." (Gen 1:6-7)

On Day 4, God placed the Sun, Moon and stars in the firmament to orbit above the flat Earth: "And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so." (Gen 1:14-15)

This sequence describes a flat, geocentric cosmos with the heavenly bodies moving above an immobile Earth. How could plants created on Day 3 get light before the Sun on Day 4 unless light emanates throughout the firmament ether from an alternative source?

Mainstream geology, biology and cosmology rely on billions of years of evolution, contradicting this biblical timescale. Flat Earthers reject deep time as an artificial imposition of secular beliefs onto nature. All scientific evidence should be interpreted in accordance with the thousands of years of history and flat Earth described in Genesis.

Rather than deform Scripture to fit external theories, the flat Earth model remains faithful to the biblical account of origins. The next sections examine how the natural world accords with this perspective when examined without the assumptions inherent in conventional science.

Mechanics of Heavenly Bodies on a Flat Earth

On the flat Earth model, the motions of celestial bodies can be explained without resorting to an enormous, spinning spherical Earth revolving around the Sun. Instead, the heavens rotate above us.

The Sun follows a circular east-west path aligned with the Equator, staying far enough away to illuminate exactly half the Earth's flat disk at once. The Moon follows a similar track at a different height and speed, crossing paths with the Sun to cause eclipses. The stars trace out wider spirals around the celestial North Pole situated at the center of the flat Earth.

These motions match our everyday experience of the Sun rising and setting, and the stars rotating clockwise around the pole star. Spherical astronomy relies on Earth's rotation and revolution to explain these motions, even though we do not directly feel or observe such motions of a tilted, orbiting Earth.

There are still challenges for the flat model, however. Retrograde motion, where planets like Mars occasionally reverse direction in the sky before resuming normal motion, can be explained by each planet moving in its own small spiral orbit around the central North Pole as they circle with the fixed stars. The differing sizes and speeds of these planetary spirals causes their paths to incidentally trace retrograde loops from our perspective at times.

Similarly, the inconsistent distances of stars inferred from their varying brightness can be attributed to intrinsic factors rather than implying a rotating spherical Earth. If stars differ substantially in terms of size, temperature, composition, and thus luminosity, they would appear to be at radically different distances. But in reality, they rotate equidistantly on the firmament in a flat Earth model.

While sacrificing parsimony for faithfulness to Scripture, the flat Earth can account for celestial motions using these simple constructs that match direct observation better than an indirectly spinning, tilted, orbiting spherical Earth.

Earth's Shape as Flat and Stationary

Several biblical verses directly assert that the Earth is a flat, circular plane fixed in place. Passages like:

"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in." (Isaiah 40:22)

"After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree." (Revelation 7:1)

These reference a circular flat Earth with edges and corners. Other verses discuss the immobility of the Earth:

"The world is established, never to be moved." (Psalm 93:1)

"The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure." (Psalm 93:1)

In contrast, the few passages referring to the "ends of the earth" or the "circle of the Earth" are considered metaphorical by flat Earthers. And verses suggesting the Earth hangs "on nothing" are explained as floating on the primordial waters.

While spherical Earth proponents interpret many verses as poetic symbolism, flat Earthers take all passages literally unless clear evidence to the contrary. This supports an immobile flat plane.

The flat model also makes logical sense. The Earth appears flat, bodies of water lay flat, and the heavens revolve around us. There is no observable or experiential evidence of a spherical, moving Earth. The flat Earth is simple, intuitive, and accords with Scripture when read plainly.

Spherical Earth theory imposes a counterintuitive model derived from human imagination and secular philosophy. But the most faithful reading of the Bible describes a flat, stationary plane beneath a revolving firmament.

Agartha: The Hollow Earth Theory

Some flat Earth models expand further to propose a hollow interior that supports an inner central sun and even an advanced underground civilization known as Agartha. This builds upon biblical references to the "subterranean waters" and passages like:

"He traces out the horizon on the face of the waters for a boundary between light and darkness." (Job 26:10)

Early Church Fathers like John of Damascus and Kosmas Indicopleustes employed the image of the Earth as concave with an inner region holding water separated by a firmament from the outer oceans.

Later esoteric philosophies revived the hollow Earth concept. In the 17th century, Athanasius Kircher argued the Earth contained interconnected passageways. The 18th century astronomer Edmund Halley proposed several inner shells that could support life.

The principle attraction is the potential for an advanced civilization, Agartha, existing beneath the surface, hidden from humanity above. Their exotic technology could explain unusual phenomena like the aurora borealis light displays in the sky.

Modern hollow Earthers point to oddities like curious expeditions to Antarctica and unexplained magnetic field changes as evidence of something unusual about the poles. The smooth interior shells could enhance acoustic and electromagnetic effects. And inner caves could harness geothermal forces, explaining volcanism.

Scriptural references, the intuition of ancient writers, and anomalies in geophysics all point to the plausibility of a hollow Earth with the potential for an inner world occupied by the legendary Agarthan civilization. While currently unproven, the secrets that may lay hidden beneath the Earth's surface could shake dogmatic acceptance of conventional geology.

Agartha's Place in Flat Earth Cosmology

The hollow Earth theory of Agartha need not contradict the flat Earth model, but can actually integrate seamlessly. In this cosmology, the Earth maintains its flat circular disk shape on the exterior, while featuring a central concave opening leading to inner shells and realms.

The sole geographic entrance to Agartha is believed to be at the North Pole, which sits at the exact center of the flat Earth disk according to most flat Earth maps. The northern polar opening allows access to passageways that lead to the inner spheres. This is supported by the North Pole's placement in relation to the central sun and four rivers described in Genesis.

The mythical northern land of Hyperborea referenced by the Greeks may actually stem from confused descriptions of this polar gateway. The northern entrance is also why north is given primacy in many ancient cosmologies. Modern hollow earthers posit secret expeditions to the Antarctic region may actually be covert military missions to find the hidden polar opening.

While the Norse viewed the polar opening as the entrance to a literal underworld of giants and demons, the Christian hollow Earth model follows Genesis in proposing a habited inner world. This is where the Agarthan civilization dwells with access to the central sun and technology based on harnessing Earth's internal powers.

By incorporating Agartha within a flat Earth paradigm, the model stays faithful to biblical passages about the waters below the firmament and a northward-oriented world while also accounting for evidence of inner realms inside the planet that could support life and explain strange phenomena observed from the surface.

Responses to Objections

Despite strong biblical and empirical grounds for the flat stationary Earth and hollow Agartha models, objections persist from the scientific community. Common criticisms include:

Gravity - Gravity necessitates that large bodies form spheres, which pull smaller objects toward them. However, an electromagnetic model of gravity could produce similar effects on a flat plane.

Curvature calculations - Geometry and observations such as ships disappearing over the horizon suggest the Earth curves. But light refraction in the atmosphere can distort vision and create false curvature. In reality, the flat plane extends much farther than claimed.

Space exploration - Photos from space show a spherical Earth. But these images could be fabricated or distorted with fish-eye lenses. Without going to space ourselves, we must weigh these claims against biblical revelation.

Spread of heliocentrism - If incorrect, why did belief in a spherical, orbiting Earth spread? But paradigm shifts do not always equate to truth. The adoption of heliocentrism aligned with the secularism and de-spiritualization of science.

Thus, while the flat-stationary Earth has been dismissed by mainstream science, their objections can be reasonably answered from a biblical perspective. And the motivation to spiritualize away the literal descriptions of a flat enclosed Earth should be considered when evaluating scientific consensus against Scripture. The next section will conclude with final remarks.


The objective analysis in this paper comprehensively demonstrates that the flat stationary Earth model is far more than just a fringe perspective or hypothetical conjecture. When carefully examined through a biblical lens and compared to empirical evidence without naturalistic assumptions, the case for a flat geocentric Earth with a revolving firmament overhead becomes extremely compelling.

The straightforward passages in Scripture directly describing the Earth as an immobile plane or circle under a solid dome firmament should be taken at face value, as the earliest Church Fathers and medieval scholars consistently did. They pictured the cosmos as encapsulated within a literal firmament, with the heavens rotating around the flat Earth.

Challenges like retrograde planetary motions or stellar parallax can be plausibly explained through the motion of celestial bodies circulating in orbits and spirals around the central North Pole. And the possibility of a hollow Earth like Agartha fits seamlessly into the flat model, supported by polar anomalies, inner earth passages in the Bible, and unconventional explanations for volcanic activity.

In contrast, the conventional spherical Earth requires abstract geometries and complex motions that defy everyday experience and intuition. The motivation to adopt this counterintuitive model reflects non-empirical impulses to displace the Earth from the center, diminishing humanity's significance. But no scientific experiment has ever directly confirmed such an orbiting globe. The weight of biblical testimony and phenomenological evidence clearly favor the flat geocentric Earth.

Given the formidable case presented here, the flat Earth model deserves to be liberated from the scorn of modern science and granted renewed consideration as a cosmologically superior framework for understanding the natural world we inhabit. It is far more than coincidence that the Earth appears flat, that bodies of water lay flat, and the heavens exhibit rotational motions around us. When scientific materialism is rejected in favor of biblical authority, the flat stationary Earth theory emerges as compelling and complete representation of astronomical and geographic reality.